Car Insurance: Compare Your Options

It’s time to shop for car insurance. Whether you’ve purchased a brand-new vehicle or you simply want to make an insurance change, we can help. Choosing new car insurance is an important process and it’s important to make sure that you consider every aspect of what you need with insurance.

Liability Coverage

In every state, you must have liability coverage. This protects the other person if you get into an accident where you are at fault. It protects you by helping to pay for the other person’s medical expenses as well as their vehicle damage.

You get to choose the amount of coverage that you want. You can choose different amounts of body liability and property liability depending on the plan. You might want to talk to an insurance agent to see which plan makes the most sense for you. Remember, if you get into an accident and the amount that you owe is above the amount of coverage that you have ($140,000 worth of damage and your plan covers $100,000 then you will be liable for that $40,000).

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage is something that you can strike from your insurance package and some people do this to help their finances. The reason is that if you do not get collision coverage, it’s $0 that you must pay.

However, the problem with this is what happens when you are in an accident? If you are at fault, there will not be any coverage for your vehicle, and you will owe everything out of pocket. This can be a massive expense that you are unprepared to pay. Consider collision coverage carefully. Your insurance agent can help make a recommendation based on your lifestyle and your past driving experience.

Discounts to Consider

When you look for insurance, consider whether or not you quality for any company discounts. If you have multiple cars, you can often qualify for a multi-cars discount. If you are a college student or a member of the military, you may qualify for an additional discount. Furthermore, if you have not been in an accident for several years, you may receive an even greater discount.

If You Were Recently in an Accident

If you were recently in an accident, you might want to look for insurance providers who offer “accident forgiveness.” Accident forgiveness is a great way to make sure that your insurance policy will give you a discount after you’ve been “accident free” for a specific period of time.

Shop Around for the Best Policy

To get the best deal, do not really entirely on discounts. Instead, shop around. Visit several car insurance providers and ask them what they can do for you. Be clear that you are shopping around and tell them that you want to find the best deal.

Whether you are looking for insurance for one vehicle or for several cars, we can help. Let us know what you need, what your finances can support, and we will help you find the best plan for you.